Level Two
Level Two training further develops the knowledge from Level One to further enrich skills and explore more advanced aspects of narrative practice. Teaching will extend thinking by exploring the most recent developments in theory and practice.
There are two course formats for Level Two training: One teaching block of 5 long days or three teaching blocks of 2 short days at two monthly intervals. The latter includes a reading programme and a course notice board where responses to the reading are posted. Otherwise, both formats offer the same teaching time and course content.
Completion of Level One training or equivalent is an entry requirement for Level Two courses.
Please note, applications for our events close two working days before they are due to start.
Course Details
Getting back up to speed with stories, maps, questions and practical skills from Level 1.
Orientate to the ways that what people hope for, give value to and believe in are hidden within their complaints or their expressions of distress. Conversational structures that support the development of these into rich accounts of preferred stories and action. Develop skills in double listening.
Why it happens, what it means and the most therapeutic ways to respond. How to avoid re-traumatisation. Ways to support protest against injustice that empowers clients. How to recognise power practices and what to do about them.
Expanding on ideas from Level 1 to explore in more detail how problems are always constructed in the context of discourses. Understanding how a sense of personal failure is arrived at and how to respond to it in helpful ways.
Why do people experience a sense of failure in their lives? A review of the ideas of Foucault and Deleuze. Therapeutic framework to guide responses to expressions of despair and failure.
How to understand supervision from a narrative perspective. Providing supervision or consultation that fits with narrative principles and ethics.
Using ideas from Lev Vygotsky’s work to envisage narrative as a process of scaffolding from the known and familiar to what it is possible to know with social support. Using these ideas to construct a “map of maps” so that you always know where you are and where you are going.
N.B. Courses will aim to respond flexibly to participants and topics covered may vary with each particular group
Participants are required to have completed a Level One training course in Narrative Therapy or equivalent.
Please use the link below if you are unsure about whether to progress to Level 2 without attending a Level 1 training.
The cost of the course is £700 and does not include accommodation and travel arrangements.
Individuals paying for themselves and unable to set the course fee against tax are eligible for a 20% discount. This should be indicated on your application form and will then be applied to your invoice.
There will be a price increase from 1 January for all courses.
Please note, any applications received before 31 December will be charged at the 2024 rates.
There are two course formats for Level Two training: One teaching block of 5 long days or three teaching blocks of 2 short days at two monthly intervals. The latter includes a reading programme and a course notice board where responses to the reading are posted. Otherwise both formats offer the same teaching time and course content. Days commence at 09.30 and finish at 16.30 for the 5-day module and are half an hour shorter on the 6-day version.
This is the most up-to-date information on our upcoming courses, if the dates listed do not suit you your availability, please keep checking details for details of when new dates are released.
Our courses usually run from 9.30am to 4.30pm.
Three teaching blocks of two days
One teaching block of five days