
Upcoming workshops

Please note, applications for our events close two working days before they are due to start.

The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem AND the solution is not only personal: Principles, stories and song from the field of collective narrative practice

A six hour online workshop with David Denborough (dd)

9.00am – 12.00 midday, May 1st and May 2nd 2025

Cost: £95 for both days, £50 for one day (20% off if you are self-funding and can’t claim
against tax)

In this two part workshop David Denborough (dd) will share key principles, stories and song to convey various elements of collective narrative practice. Relevant for both counsellors and those working with communities, collective narrative practice draws upon histories of narrative therapy and invitations and partnerships from cross-cultural collaborations. This workshop will include considerations of metaphor, history and politics. It will also be deliberately practice-focused.

dd works as a community worker, teacher and writer/editor for Dulwich Centre and is particularly interested in cross-cultural partnerships which limit the chances of psychological colonization and create possibilities for cross-cultural inventions, such as the Team of Life Narrative Approach and Tree of Life (developed with Ncazelo Ncube-Mlilo). These collective narrative methodologies seek to assist people to address the effects of traumatic experiences without having to speak directly about them. dd is also vitally interested in how collective narrative practices can spark and/or sustain social movement and in projects that respond to racism and seek to strengthen social cohesion/inclusion. dd is the coordinator of the Master of Narrative Therapy and Community Work with the University of Melbourne where they are also involved in supporting/supervising graduate researchers. dd’s songs in response to current social issues have received airplay throughout Australia and Canada. Their books include:

dd loves to write and is currently working on two papers in relation to ‘new forms of narrative family therapy’ and ‘preserving character in the presence of dementia’; And an upcoming book focusing on memory, history and narrative practice.

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